Optimal Gut Function plays a vital role in Immunity, Weight Management, Hormone Balance, Degenerative Disease Development, as well as, Physical & Emotional Pain Levels. Microbial Balance of the intestinal tract directly impacts cellular activity within every organ system of our bodies. Patients are strongly recommended to test the terrain with a GI Map Stool Test Kit, in order to determine the current state of their Gastrointestinal System. The GI Map Test is one piece to the diagnostic puzzle, as Dr. Cox works diligently to create your ‘ideal health equation’; armed with the right information she can best maximize your care plan.
DNA-PCR Stool Analysis
Optimal Gut Function plays a vital role in Immunity, Weight Management, Hormone Balance, Degenerative Disease Development, as well as, Physical & Emotional Pain Levels. Microbial Balance of the intestinal tract directly impacts cellular activity within every organ system of our bodies. Patients are strongly recommended to test the terrain with a GI Map Stool Test Kit, in order to determine the current state of their Gastrointestinal System. The GI Map Test is one piece to the diagnostic puzzle, as Dr. Cox works diligently to create your ‘ideal health equation’; armed with the right information she can best maximize your care plan.
Functional Medicine Test Kits